Wednesday 16 June 2010

Bean planting

Today we met Julie from Towan Cross Nursery who was involved in setting up the primary school garden next door. She happily gave advice on plants and gardening. We have decided now to weed the garden rather than apply herbicide and would like any volunteers to come forward next wednesday (even if you only have an hour to spare) to get it cleared ready for the turf.

There will be a bring and buy plants sale and donation box left outside the preschool every wednesday for people to purchase plants to raise more funds. Some of these plants may be used for the pre school garden itself. Add a bit of your own garden if you like and see the preschool garden grow.

Suzie brought a willow planter which we planted up with broad beans lettuce and viola flowers (to garnish and eat in salads).

Jobs pending runner beans to be put in willow planter (nb add compost).

As soon as the manhole covers are secured we will be able to get the kids out to use the area.

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Us 3

This is me Jan and Immi yesterday on a bench set on the coastal path behind the driftwood.(Hey you can tell I havn't had botox!) It was a really lovely evening summer walk after dinner. It was so beautiful looking down onto St.Agnes beach.
The photo is one of those tricky ones where you try and take it yourself.

This inspired a further walk up beacon this morning during which Immi and I got down low and crawled as close as we could to photograph this rabbit. I need to take more snacks next time. The over 2 hour treck (which takes me 40mins normally) gave us a hunger and the apple just didn't fill us up enough leaving at 10 returning 12.20. Played spot the animal, and treasure box (inspired by Jack) game. Trying to teach her to love wildlife as well as pets!

Saturday 12 June 2010

Something beautiful. Home grown salad.

Friday 11 June 2010

Face paints and blogging

Have you ever let a child paint your face. I was supposed to be a rainbow cat (inspired by Hesper stories). I thought I looked hideous. Imogen thought I looked beautiful and there were tears, when after an hour or so I washed it off to go out. She didn't understand why.

I havn't done a blog profile yet or worked out what I am going to concentrate on writing on. However looking at other blogs has made me realise this, 'I want to embrace love and creativity and make it a focus for my every day living'.

I hope writing this blog will help me to achieve this simple goal as well as retaining positivity, balance and creativity.

Something beautiful and yummy
homegrown salad xxx

Excited about blogging

I am so excited about blogging, it is so cool. I can't believe my sister tried to get me into it 2 years ago and I am only just getting into it. It is so cool. Hooray

Thursday 10 June 2010

Calender of Events for Class room Activities
Check out then go to Education and Resources then Programmes Growing Schools


21st -27th June National Insect Week
21st - 27th June Recycle Now Week

6-13 July - Childrens Art Day
7-13 July - National Salad Week

21st - Apple Day

27th Nov - 5th Dec - National Tree Week

Wednesday 9 June 2010

Our plans for next week are to prepare the ground for laying turf. Simon will (probably) use glyphosate herbicide to great rid of the weeds when the weather is reasonably dry. Ring up about turf (celtic turf penzance) to get a quote. This should be able to be laid 2 weeks after the herbiscide has been applied.
Next wednesday we hope to place membrane down for the woodchipped area next to the teepee structure, place a membrane in the raised beds. We also hope to mark out the beds so that Simon knows where the turf is going.(Simon has kindly offered to mow the grass for us when it is established). We will also bring in some peas and beans for children to plant out in pots. (nb compost).
In a few weeks time we will be looking to get the top soil from the green waste company. This will require a trailor and driving to Hayle.
Today planters containing strawberries, camomile, beetroot, sunflowers, peas and carrots have been left on the decking for staff and children to engage with. The strawberry planter is especially designed to reservoir the water well I will keep instructions for watering in a folder at pre school.
I am also hoping to set up a blog to document as well as involve the parents as the developments of the pre school garden. For those of you who havn't heard of a blog its a bit like an on line diary. You can only publish on it if you have a password but other people with the diary address are free to look at it and leave comments. Obviously photos of children will not be published without parent consent and Mels approval is asked for before setting this up.